Beauty Tip-Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Our theme this month is Fresh Face, New You so why not start off fresh and dust off all your lovely jewels with this Jewellery Cleaner D.I.Y while adding this beauty tip to your collection.

Old wives tales/family tips and secrets are my favourite, I just love trying all these little things out! Fair enough some don’t work but others are incomparable. On top of that it’s so fun listening to your Granny or Mom tell stories of what their Granny’s and Granny’s mom did. In fact, in my family we have a little recipe tradition where we take snippets from magazines, newspapers, the internet (nowadays!) some of our own handwritten ideas and keep them in a little book to pass down. I have one from my great granny and my mom.

Now that my rant is over I’ll share with you a little recipe I was taught from my mom who was taught it from her Dad who was a Jeweller (and who’s Dad taught him who was a Jeweller too!)

This will work with any Gold or Silver Jewellery and any semi/precious stones.

What you will need:
½ cup of dishwashing liquid
1 square of tin foil

(If you have more jewellery to clean just double up the “ingredients”)

cleaning jewellery 2

Place all the ingredients into a bowl along with your Jewellery/Items, (as you can see I also cleaned a silver bowl just to show that as long as it is Silver or Gold it can be cleaned too). Then fill the pot with cold water. Take note to add the tinfoil in alongside all the ingredients.

cleaning jewellery 4

Choose a medium temperature as you don’t want it to over boil and you don’t want it to simmer either, Timer on for 15 minutes – go start giving yourself a pedi or put some coconut oil in your hair, have a cup of tea and wait for the buzz. This is a picture of the stove timer. DO NOT PLACE IN MICROWAVE!


Pour out all the water and use a colander (be careful if you have cleaned earrings or small items as they may slip through, put a towel underneath to catch any small pretties) now rinse your lovely clean and shiny belongings with cold water.

….. and voila, clean fresh, new looking Jewels and Gems and your very own beauty tip.
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 Article by: Cara Glaser

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