The hair preferences of guys on ladies.
So, I asked 8 guys 8 questions about women’s hair and it was tough to get them to answer this survey. I sent out a much longer questions list, but had to shorten it after none of them responded.
Guys generally don’t know a lot about hair and when I asked them the questions, half of them didn’t know what I was talking about….men! So, I tried to make it easy and even asked for question on the Beauty Bulletin live chat and thanks for those who responded.
So, out of the almost 30 guys I sent this to, only eight responded, which is funny due to the fact that I shortened the list to only eight questions. Below you will find the survey with answers from the guys…2 are married with kids, 4 in relationships and 2 single. All aged between 22 and 40 years.
What is the worst thing ladies do to their hair?
-Not look after it.
-Overly frizz or have over the top accessories.
-Dye it a colour that doesn’t suit them.
-Pulling their hair back really tight so it looks like they are in the process of getting face lift.
-Shave it off!!!
-Too much product.
-When ladies dye their hair outrageous colours and shave one side of their hair leaving the other side long.
-Tease it.
Does seeing a lady when her hair is tied up make a difference to your perception about her
-Can look uptight.
-As long as it is styled nicely it makes no difference how it is done
-Not really.
-In a working environment it adds a sense of professionalism/authority.
-Not at all….
Your thoughts on women’s hair accessories: hair strips, hair chalking and hair extensions?
-Don’t like them.
-Looks childish.
-Don’t like.
-If it makes them feel good then they should rock it. Confidence is key.
-Don’t like them…prefer natural hair.
-Hair extensions are a big no no, very unnatural.
-I think it’s fun and portrays a person’s character.
Article by: Hayley Vann-Herbert