Beauty Bulletin

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4.6 3 0.5
Nail Polishes November 19, 2011 230
Fudge Delight!
Overall rating
I don't even know where to start with this nail polish. There is no other colour that I love more than this colour at the moment. I was on the search for a colour that would be soft and femanine and that's exactly how I would describe this product.

It has a soft shimmer in the varnish that dries quite quickly. Usually I find that when applying 2 coats of nail polish, it doesn't seem to be long lasting or stand up to my daily activities, but this one really did. you really have to be rough to scratch and chip the polish from your nails.

I have one criticism for this though - I do not like the brush. I find it does not apply the product evenly and after using Rimmel's new wide brush, this little one can be quite a pain at times. It means that you are forced to apply two coats if the brush isn't working with you on a particular day - and I often do not have the time to wait ages for the varnish to set.

But that being said - I still love this colour very much. So much so that I have a spare one on standby should the colour be discontinued at any point.
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