I am sure that I have mentioned how I am not a fan of bars of soap and usually opt for liquid soap, at my basin, and body wash, at my bath. However, I do choose to use them when shaving, which is what proposed the idea of putting this bar to use. I love the rustic-look of the soap, especially the little engravings on each bar. It is a handmade bar that smells oh so wonderful, containing oils of Kalahari melon, olive, coconut, sunflower and palm. I love natural oils and make use of them as much as I can, in my beauty routines. I especially adore the amount of oils that this soap is infused with. From the time of opening my box, I was in awe of the refreshing scents that it oozed and was quite intrigued to put it to use. As I mentioned, my intention was to only use it for shaving - but that has quickly changed. After lathering the thick soap all over my legs, it was like being hit with cupid's arrow. The Kalahari melon is the most intoxicating scent I have ever come across! I am a sucker for melon, as is, but the combination with the other oils makes it a real winner. I was surprised at how nourishing the bar is, as often, after rinsing you can feel the loss of the effect. More so, I was blown away when my husband knocked on the door of the bathroom to ask what I was washing with because it smelt so good. I thought that it was just me who could smell the all-powerful sweetness because I had coated my body with it countless times, afraid I may have scrubbed a few freckles away too, but the fact that the smell carried through to the office, really amazed me! (Needless to say, he has adopted the bar and made it part of his bath routine, too.) My biggest realization was when subconsciously I grabbed the bar instead of my usual hand wash - that is a big statement to me!
(See more pictures on my blog: http://beautyblogza.blogspot.com/2014/02/african-rain-bath-and-body-range.html)