Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

3.3 1 0.5
Eyeshadows August 04, 2014 133
Almay Wake Up Eyeshadow in Exhilarate
Overall rating
The packaging is pretty basic and includes a double sided applicator, it's the first time that I purchased makeup with a white applicator. There is an insert at the back that slides out and folds open with the shadow guide on the inside.

The pallet consists out of 3 colours - A nude pinky colour, a purpley colour and a shimmery dark silver and then the pearly white primer. The primer went on smooth and the shadow shades applied easily and blended well, I followed the shadow guide and was pretty happy about the look. I didn't notice any shadow falling on my cheeks or in my eyes but the makeup looked like all the colours blended together when I checked my eyeshadow after a couple of hours, so the primer wasn't doing it's job all that well.
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