This is how I used it and the results I experienced.
Week one: I used it for three consecutive nights. Soaked a cotton ball with the liquid and swept it over my face & neck, avoiding my eyes and lips.I skipped my night serum completely for a more intensive treatment. There was a slight tingling upon application but nothing uncomfortable. I literally saw blackheads I’d never thought I had coming out! Not very glamorous but I’d rather have them out for good! Breakouts on my chin and jaw the following day. Ouch. Quite upsetting but I kept using the Liquid Gold. To add to my misery, Joburg temperature hit record highs so I made sure I had broad-spectrum spf30+ even though I wasn’t planning on showing my face in public that week!
Week two: I slowed down to three times a week.
The tingling sensation seemed to subside and my breakouts were under control. They healed in no time.
Week three: Still in progress but I really feel that my skin has been ‘purged’, revealing what looks like refreshed skin as if my whole skin mechanism has been wound up!