Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 51 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams April 18, 2018 1666
Goodbye wrinkles,hello youthful skin
Overall rating
This Product is super portable, i like the fact that it is a 2-in-1 product on one container. It smells perfume like, which is great than most of these awful night creams. I have oily skin but it doesn't seem like it dries up completely i still look a bit oily. My first impressions for the first week using phase 1; it leaves my skin feeling moisturized and i apply it smoothly. Second week phase 2 review; my dark spots are fading on my forehead and sides of my face, also my skin is super soft. Since my experience with the 2 phases i think the first one lightened my under bags as compared to the second face which makes my skin soft and lessens small breakouts on my forehead. addressing wrinkles, i hardly have much, maybe the smile lines i totally see no lines so maybe it made a slight difference but in terms of my skin looking youthful, it totally has lesser skin problems. I'm currently waiting to see at the end of 30 days if there is a visible difference with my before and after pictures.

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