Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 51 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams April 18, 2018 1666
Avon Anew Reversalist Night Cream | Review
Overall rating
I was asked to be part of the #AvonAnew30DayChallenge and trial the revolutionary new product from Avon: Anew Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream. This could not have come at a better time as just before I got the mail I was hounding my hubby to please allow me to invest in some skin care that actually helped me with anti-aging, as after a stressful build, move and sick kiddies, I was feeling old and haggard, and my skin was looking worse than ever before.
You can even see how depressed I am in the below no-make-up-selfie:

Spotty, aged skin was really getting me down, never mind the fact that I didn’t recognise the texture of my skin! Applying make up was both a blessing and a curse; I felt relieved that I had it and didn’t need to go out in public looking so spotty and old, but I also struggled with feeling like I was a fake, because I was hiding so much underneath those layers. Lastly, I hated the feeling of my own skin. It felt like nothing went on smoothly and my foundation almost vanished on my face by lunch time, revealing all my dark spots and wrinkles.

In walked the Avon Anew Reversalist Night Cream (with a door-to-door courier guy ;), and I was so excited to give it a go. Cautiously optimistic.
The excitement behind this little gem was that it was different to any other night treatment I have ever used. The bottle came with two tops. Two lids. Two squirt nozzles. The side named “1” contains a phyto-based moisturiser which prepares the skin for renewal and production. Side 2 is contains super retinol, the number 1 ingredient for anti-aging.

Each side is used for only 7 days and then you rotates to the next side. Research has shown that the reason most night creams work well for a while and then appear to become less effective is because the skin becomes used to the change and then improves no further. With this in mind, the Avon Anew treatment continually alternates between Side 1 and Side 2, continually prepping and then activating the skin.

My thoughts after 30 days:
Whilst using the product there were things I really enjoyed.
– I loved that the two creams came in one easy to use tube as opposed to two different containers of some sort. I enjoyed that they were clearly marked and different (red and black)
– I loved the excitement attached to knowing I was prepping and then activating my skin, alternating the sides weekly
– I liked the texture of the creams and particularly loved the feel of side 2.
– I absolutely loved waking up every morning with my skin feeling supple, soft and looking more radiant than I have experienced in a good long while.
There were also things I didn’t love as much:
– I struggled some days to remember which side I was on and had to work back to remembering the week it arrived (Hey! I am a mom of 3 – be gentle!)
– I didn’t love the smell of the creams. I didn’t dislike them at all, just didn’t love the smells – I am someone who LOVES pretty smelling things, and this just doesn’t smell like much

As we look at our selves in the mirror everyday, it isn’t always easy to recognise a change when it happens gradually, but looking back at before and after pics, I am so surprised and elated at the change in my skin in just 30 days!
Take a look and let me know what you think!!
AFTER (no make up):

BEFORE (with make up):

AFTER (with make up):

IMG_6513 IMG_6510
Please excuse this last pic. I look hilarious – just woke up and still half asleep!! But I took this pic because I woke up two mornings ago and I couldn’t believe how good my skin looked! I have never really had great skin, and NEVER want to go out in public without foundation on, but looking at my skin lately I can imagine getting to a place where I can start to go out without wearing foundation to cover blemishes and dark spots! How awesome is that?!
I still have post-preg pigmentation I need to sort, and my forehead wrinkles are cray cray, so I am still looking for that miracle anti-wrinkle cream ? but THIS glowing, supple skin is just like a piece of heaven for me! I have never EVER before woken up and had my skin glow like this. This was before washing face and hadn’t applied anything since the Avon Anew the night before:
IMG_2575 2

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