The higher the SPF, the better, right? Don’t be fooled! As much as we all like to think SPF 100 is the best thing since sliced bread, truth is no matter how high the SPF of a sunscreen, none offers total protection.
One of the biggest sources of confusion is SPF. Most people assume that a sunscreen with an SPF of 30, for example, will allow you stay out in the sun twice as long as a sunscreen that has an SPF of 15. This is, however, not the case. SPF 15 sunscreen have shown to block out about 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 sunscreens have shown to block out a slightly more 97% of UVB rays. Not twice as effective after all.
This goes to show that the SPF rating isn’t the most important or most credible factor. Although sunscreens with a higher SPF rating do block out more UVB rays than those with a lower SPF rating, what really counts when it comes to sun protection is how much sunscreen you apply, how it is applied and how often it is being reapplied.
The best way to make sure you are protected from the sun is to apply enough sunscreen – SPF means nothing if you are not applying a considerable amount of sunscreen, make sure to apply it evenly and sparingly, and always reapply your sunscreen at least every hour or two, especially after any kind of physical activity.
Were you one of those people that thought higher SPF means better protection? Do you know what SPF means? Find out now: What Does SPF Mean?
Article by: Kelly Abrahams