
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

5.0 1 0.5
Overall rating
Attention Grabbing
Avon Big&Daring Volume Mascara
I totally love this mascara I'm going to just state what I loved or didn't love.

*The brush holds enough mascara for a good solid coat that elongates your lashes.
*It defines your lashes and makes them pop out.
*It dries up faster than other mascaras.
*No mascara is totally clump-free but this one is better than the usual.
*In the rain it will not smudge.
*I wore this to bed the other night as I was lazy to wash my face and it did not smear or give me the black eyed look the next morning. It was the way I had left it from when I had worn it the previous day.

*In order to take it off you can't use cold water as it literally comes off with your lashes, so if you want to keep all your lashes use warm water when removing it.
*when using the mascara make sure your thumb is covering the case with the mascara as I found that it dries up when left unclosed.
*I honestly though the way the brush is set that it would make it much easier to apply but no, in a way it's kind of hard to apply mascara with that brush or maybe it's because I'm use to the straight brushes but yeah that's just me.

Other than that this is a great product and my personal favourite.

Top 500 Reviewer
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