Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 38 0.5
Fragrances March 23, 2015 1704
Avon a scent to cherish!!
Overall rating
l am a huge fan of floral scents and must say was very excited to try out Avon's cherish scent. The perfume is not at all overpowering but has a gentle and refreshing scent, the first day l tried it on the girls at the office kept asking me what scent l am wearing. l love the way the scent smells it just evokes warm emotions, also love the bottle too. The lotion is also another winner for me its soft and not at all oily and just re enforces the scent of the perfume.
l have very sensitive underarm skin and most deodorants will make me break out but surprisingly with the Avon cherish deodorant l didn't. Although it kept me dry all day the only thing l would suggest Avon add to their deodorant is that "48hr protection factor" because after a few hours l had to put some more on or run the risk of everyone avoiding me. But overall a great scent l love it.
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