Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 38 0.5
Fragrances March 23, 2015 1704
Is this my new floral friend perhaps?
Overall rating

It took the whole world 's effort for the delivery to come through - I had to look to look for my package with a very focused eye as it could not locate me > then finally, we formally met and it was joy unspeakable.

Our journey began over the weekend as a luxurious event was taking place.
The floral fragrance was a perfect fit for the beautifully flowered event and as it would be the whole day, what better way to test how long we could be friends. The morning before the event, still feeling fresh from the shower - I also was generous to my skin and used the roll-on deodorant. I had been anticipating how effective it would be as the day was hot and I am a sweaty lady by nature to top that off!

I was glad to also tag along the hand lotion - as a lady, we often wash our hands and I had to keep them moisturized after every wash. It was a mission to hang around with the bulky tube though as my tiny sexy bag could only let me go so far. Thankfully my sister carried a fairly larger sized bag which helped out. So in future - well, everyday actually, I do carry a bag big enough for all things girly. I managed to pass around the lotion to our table companions and as it is a larger serving of a tube, sharing was really caring.
The lotion smell divine and it is very luxurious and smooth on the hands. I felt softer and it lasted long enough on my hands for me to stop counting just how far and just go on enjoying the day. The Cherish Eau de Parfum on the other hand attracted attention with its subtle fresh florals. I am not sure if it lasted long enough or if I was overwhelmed by the other ladies perfumes as we went about exchanging bottles in good faith of testing out.
Thus today is my day in the office with this dear bottle. I am known as the perfume lady and many nick names are given to me for the various fragrances I come wearing daily. Lets see the attention this will catch and put the effectiveness to a real test. In the meantime, I do love however sweet it is. Lets give it a few more days and let it speak for itself.
Fair Enough?
I think so too, see you soon beauties!

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