The Avon Cherish set which consists of the perfume, body lotion & deodorant is affordable and smells like it should be in a higher price range. It has a delicate, fresh, floral and not at all overpowering smell. I loved the anti perspirant roll-on because it was not harsh on my skin and lasted as long as my normal roll-on does.
One day I only used the roll-on and body lotion & the smell lasted after only repeating it once, but the layering of all three fragrances together obviously works better. I received a lot of compliments regarding the Avon Cherish fragrance & had to keep repeating the brand name. My almost 3year old daughter discovered my Avon Cherish body lotion, which I had to hide because she wanted nothing else.
My best choice of the three products is by far the perfume. It looks feminine & only needs to be used once daily. I would definitely recommend the Avon Cherish perfume, lotion & roll-on.
I loved it!