Beauty Bulletin

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4.7 11 0.5
Face Masks September 11, 2013 928
Avon Pore Penetrating Mask ?#FRIDAYPRIZEDAY
Overall rating
The Pore penetrating mask is a black mineral mask which is supposed to help reduce the visibility of pores. This product according to Avon, says it "pulls like a magnet to draw out pore-clogging dirt & oil." Sounds rather impressive hey?

According to the information supplied on the back of the package, it is recommended that you use the mask about two or three times per week. The mask contains Salicylic Acid and Bentonite clay which helps absorb excess oils and dirt off your face. It also contains ingredients from green tea which help reduce the visibility of blackheads. I personally love green tea and green tea products so this had me attention.

I applied the mask to my face and let it absorb into my skin for about 10 minutes. The time factor varies depending on how much you put on your face. As the mask dries it changes to a charcoal colour. The charcoal colour comes from the iron oxides which are contained in the mask. The mask is a bit drying and makes your skin tight.

I noticed a difference from the first use especially around my nose area which is my problematic area. I decided to use this product on a regular basis and my skin has changed for the better. My cheeks and nose are both smooth and free of clogged pores.

This product is definitely worth a try, especially if you want something to help clean out your skin and that is affordable. I don't think Avon products get the recognition that they deserve and I must say that I am really impressed with this mask. If you would like to purchase your own mask then order one from an Avon representative. If you would like to find out more information about it and know what the price is for that month, then you can view their online site.

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2 results - showing 1 - 2
April 09, 2016
My order is on it's way. Thanx 4 the review! Cannot wait...
Karina Reyneke
April 13, 2016
In reply to an earlier comment

@KarinaReyneke I hope you love it as much as I do!
Rivania Pillay
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