Avon Clearskin Professional Liquid Extraction, I know sounds like another disappointing product BUT not for me!!
The liquid is a deep blue colour with a thick guey consistency that can be used 1-2 a week around the nose, chin or T-zone area depending where the big pores and blackheads are.
I must admit it felt like applying glue but oh well what's a girl to do. The liquid is applied thickly to the area. For example to the nose it needs to be applied on the nose and around areas and extend to the cheek about 1cm so that when it dries in approximately 20 minutes the piece can be pulled slowly from the cheek and moving across. It's amazing how it pulls out the dirt and unclogs your pores.
The liquid cools on the area and draws it out. You may rinse off the residue if there any. I suggest not to use it more than the suggested times a week.
Hi Sameera,yes the product does sound too good to be true,yet it sounds amazing and makes me want to try it out,calling a colleague right now who sells Avon,placing an order.Hopefully i will also write a review about it,thank you for sharing.