The AVON liquid extraction is a thick bluish-translucent liquid that you apply on the face and it dries stiff, where you can peel it off and reveal any blackheads or dirt within the pores. It has a slight minty smell and feels cool when applied to the skin. Once it dries and you peel off, do it gently as it can tug on your facial hairs.
I purchased this in August Women's month and they had amazing sales and offers on most pages in their brochure. (Google AVON brochure if you would like to see their current brochure) They had a sale where you could purchase any 3 ClearSkin for the price of 2.
I love that you can apply this product to any part of your face. Price: Nose patches for a pack of 5 go for +-R30 but this liquid extraction (+-R59) allows for much more uses, so you definitely get your money's worth .