I was fortunate enough to receive the Metal Eye quad. Once again, I am blown away by the highly pigmented eye shadow that Avon has delivered. I am a little disappointed though, that all of these are shimmers – I think that every quad should have, at least, one matt (that is an opinion) mainly because it can either look too glitzy or too flat! (Then again, it is called metal eyes, after all) Their shadows never disappoint in the sense that they are not messy when blending, they are versatile and can be used by anyone from beginner to pro. I manage to use the quad to create many different looks, the dark brown is perfect for a smoky eye and the white is always useful for highlighting or opening the eye. Again, I am impressed by the compact and the applicator. I don’t usually like the applicators given in compacts, but this one has a broad end and narrow end which are both useful, as the broad end is great to blend while the narrow helps to get colour around your tear duct.