Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 49 0.5
Fragrances February 08, 2017 2199
My little lace dress
Overall rating
When i received the product , i was unsure as i am a floral cross with woody scent kind of girl .Yes i do like my bread buttered on both sides and i am not ashamed to admit .I love a floral scent especially in the morning for that get up and go kind of feeling , whilst the woodiness is obviously something of a night scent .

I was thoroughly surprised at how this perfume exceeded my expectations .My little lace dress is admittedly unashamed at how beautiful the scent is .The perfume announced itself with its sweet notes and then made sure it made a home in my heart and it was clear that it commanded respect judging from how many people turned their heads around when i strolled pass.

A pleasant yet powerful scent definitely for someone who commands respect be it a housewife or corporate lady ..because after all every single woman deserves a fragrance that announces her arrival before she even walks in .

I would definitely purchase this perfume again as it goes on to my shelf along with all my other favorite things.

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