This product is an absolute must have in summer months especially for people like me where make up simply melts by with durban heat n humidity ive used just about every setting powder from kryolan to essence but by lunch time i still need to powder my nose and jawline.
And thats despite wearing heat and humidity proof formulations.
This cost me R149.95 for a 125ml bottle.the bottle is greyish black n contains a see through liquid which smells faintly of rosewater and is packed with vitamins.hold 20cm from your face close your eyes and spritz this light feeling liquid onto your face after your make up application.blot lightly with a tissue and you are good to go.
I didnt see incredible longevity with this product as some of my makeup had seemed significantly lighter but then i did wear essence today which is not a brand known for longevity.
But when i arrived home my makeup although looking faded didnt seem completely worn out like usual.
Ive used the makeup sprays by MAC n CLARINS before and i think this is equitable to those.
Its well worth the purchase