
Beauty Bulletin

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4.6 17 0.5
Applicators, Tools August 05, 2014 943
Make up made easy ...... by Avon
Overall rating
If you are like me or possible even close to me, you often find yourself in a hustle or bustle with little or no time for applying make up or some times it's a drag.

Well, there is hope, Thanks to Avon Make up spray. My good friend and colleague sells and loves Avon. I guess she saw me always in a flurry when it comes to make up so she recommended the make up setting spray to me. At first, I was skeptical, I mean, I do not really like to spray things on my face unless it's water; but, she assured me that it would be safe and that it would safe me 'make up' time everyday.

I reluctantly took the item. After a few applications I noticed less time spent on application and re-application and it stayed in place for at least the duration of the day. My face looked fresher, cleaner and like a make application has just taken place.

Wowee was I impressed.

My bottle is almost done and I guess I have to get another one because I simply cannot imagine make up application without my trusted 'hold in place' setting spray.

It works almost like a 'hair styling spray' keeping everything where it's supposed to be without anything out of place.

Ladies, you need this.

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