Keeping your make-up looking fresh throughout the day is one of life’s biggest beauty battles. For me, a combination of running around the clothing factory, to driving around in a huff and a puff trying to get last minute things done and just the general activities of my day mean that by 5pm when I get home, my face looks anything but “made up” and fresh.
For a while I had been contemplating whether I should use a setting spray or primer but the thought of paying almost R500 for the MAC Fix+ made me hesitate. It’s kinda like how you are perfectly okay with paying R800 for your online shopping basket but the R70 for shipping is just unacceptable. How dare they??
For those who don’t know what a setting spray is (Mum, this is for you) - Setting sprays are meant to be the last step in your makeup routine. When lightly applied on top of your completed look, the makeup is supposed to stay in place all day. They claim to keep your powders, concealers, and even eyeshadows from absorbing into your skin or melting and fading away.
So today I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to what I believe is AVON’s best kept secret. *Drum roll please*
Who knew they were so up to date with the beauty world? I certainly didn’t. To be completely honest with you, I wasn’t expecting this product to be anything wonderful. I only got it because it was so cheap and I thought, why not just try. And WOAH was I pleasantly surprised!
I went about my usual makeup routine, including my mascara and lipstick application and ended it off with a few sprays of the mist over my face. It took way under a minute to dry and I immediately noticed a smoother appearance to my face and a beautiful dewy look which is a must for me. Throughout my day at work I glanced at myself in the mirror a few times as well as when I got home and what do you know….It looked as if I had just applied my makeup. I was especially impressed that my blush and powder contour hadn’t faded like it usually does. This spray is light, pretty fast-drying and has a pleasant fragrance to it.
The pictures below were taken after a full day, including 30 minutes of jumping on the trampoline with my daughter. Look at that blush. Just look it it *tears* #NoFilter