The title is 'Easy lipgloss-ing' because it really is easy! Easy to carry. Easy to put on. Easy to look great in one easy swipe of the magic colour wand.
I got to review Radiant Red and Pure Poppy lip glosses. For someone who, like me, is not big on make-up but does want their lips looking good at all times this is the perfect lip gloss. I loved the Pure Poppy the best. It was the best shade of pink and suited my skin tone the best.
The lip gloss fits into any pocket so it is ideal to carry in your pocket if you do not want to carry any bags. As a student I do not want to keep digging in my bag looking for something for my lips so this fit right into my pocket. Brilliant! Easy to find!
The lip gloss does not leave any sticky residue like most lip glosses. No need to use any base lip balm to because this lip gloss has all the moisture you need.
The package is very cute. The colour you see is the colour you get. I loved the silver caps. Adds a little sophistication we all know Avon has.
This will be my lip gloss of choice from now on. It is very easy to love!