Beauty Bulletin

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4.1 4 0.5
tickled pink avon.jpg
Lipgloss. Balms, Lip Plumpers August 11, 2013 238
Tickled Pink by my lip gloss
(Updated: July 02, 2015)
Overall rating
Lipgloss and I have fought a long battle since I hit puberty. My skin became oily so oily that even applying lip gloss became a nightmare as my skin would become very oily and sticky within minutes. Only once I hit my 30's (not too long ago) it seemed that the extreme oiliness had calmed down to just an inconvenience that could be controlled by the correct cosmetics.

The day I received the lipgloss from Beauty Bulletin, my sister was almost more excited than I was. She immediately tried out the two products and declared tangerine gleam her favourite. When she came back from her friend's, she pronounced it a wonderful lip gloss as it had stayed on even after eating dinner. I then tried the tangerine gleam, but must admit that with my colouring it looked a tad gaudy. Maybe I'm just not used to bright coral red lips?

Tickled Pink, however, as completely different. It is an immensely flattering colour that boosts my self-esteem whenever I wear it and with the Healthy Glow True Colour make-up that I received as well, it is a winner.

I love that the gloss is not oily like other lip gloss makes. The applicator works very well and the square column with black cap makes it look grown up and expensive.

I would recommend this to everyone.

Now if only scientists could explain why the wind always start blowing the moment I put on lip gloss and I then end up with a face full of hair stuck to my lips.
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March 17, 2014
lol that's so true, about the wind!
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