I liked the black and gold boxes that the items came in. They make it look like the products inside are luxurious. I generally just throw away outer packaging like that, but I think I will keep the products in their little boxes because they make for a pretty display on my vanity.
My first impression on the foundation was that it was A LOT of product. It is definitely a large container and it was filled to the brim. There are so many foundation brands that cost an arm and a leg for the tiniest bit of product so this was a bonus. The colour (soft sienna) looked a bit dark for me in the bottle, but i tried a little bit out on my jaw and it's definitely lighter than it looks in the bottle. I put one layer on my face, it is a very light coverage and I didn't like that because I have blemishes and I prefer a full coverage foundation. BUT I gave it another chance and put a second layer on and it was like magic. So I would recommend putting two layers of this foundation on if you need a lot of coverage. Also, use a brush or your finger tips, not a sponge. Don't worry about cakeyness, this foundation is smooth as silk. It smells like sunblock which I'm not sure if I like, but I'm not fussed about the smell of foundation as you don't really smell it after it's on your face. It does look a bit dewey on the face even after it has been on for a few minutes, so I would recommend setting it with a pressed powder to get rid of the shine. All in all I like this product, it doesn't get too much darker as it oxidizes and a little goes a long way. The real test will be doing a full glam look with this foundation, but so far it's a winner for a natural day-time look.
Now for the bronzer..... THIS BRONZER..... I was sent the bronzing pearls in the colours Shimmer Gold and Shimmer Bronze. The bronze is slightly darker than the gold but both are pretty much the standard colour of most highlighters/bronzers and that's exactly what I thought they would be when I first opened them. Ladies.... I was wrong. This highlight has got me SHOOK.. I fell out of my chair when I used it. I have no words. This highlight is powerful. 10 out of 10. I'm shook.
I got a cute little eyeshadow trio, very pigmented. I have not yet tried it but I can already see it's perfect for a smokey eye. I also got a deep purple liquid lipstick. I think its really pretty and the wand is very easy to use. I'm saving it for a more dramatic look, but I like it already, it's just too dark for an every day look.
Over all, I'll give this makeup a thumbs up for the amount of pigment in all of the products and for the smoothness in application.