Dry shampoo comes in 2 ranges. The essential and the enhancer
Essential Range :
X1 - Original (200ml)
X1 - Blush (200ml)
X1 - Cherry (200ml)
X1 - Fresh (200ml)
X1 - Divine Dark (200ml)
Enhancer Range
X1 - Strength and Shine (200ml)
X1 - Heavenly Volume (200ml)
My favorites are Fresh (200ml) and Cherry (200ml)
Batiste dry shampoo it is really a quick fix, i totally love it. i use it for my weave and my natural hair. it leaves my hair smell fresh. it is friendly, you can use it anywhere at anytime. its very good for lazy days.
Disadvantage of the product: it leaves my natural hair very dry, heavy and it also leaves white residual.
But overall I love it, it makes my life so much easy :)