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4.5 11 0.5
Nail Polishes May 28, 2014 367
Gel Finish
Overall rating
I always do like a good gel finish polish, but most times the claim is not really what you get. What I must say about the AVON ones, though, they really do deliver. The polishes are very easy to apply, the brush is nice. There is no bubbling issue, and when it dries it does have a lovely glossy gel shine to it. The colours are vivid and bright, and the polish lasts for quite some time without chipping or scratching. If I have a topcoat on, I can get two weeks of wear from the polish without chipping or too much wear, which is pretty amazing. The polish dries very quickly, too, which is a huge bonus for me, and doesn't stain my nails. I love this range and would highly recommend it to anyone. I plan to add quite a few more colours to my collection!
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