Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.9 7 0.5
Lipgloss. Balms, Lip Plumpers March 20, 2013 609
Overall rating
These amazing glosses retail for around R39 and come in a clear tube so you can see exactly what product you're buying. I chose the colour Ravishing Raspberry which is a lovely deep red colour gloss. I really didn't know that this product was a lip treatment when I chose it.

The first thing I really love about the product is the lips gloss is thick, but isn't gooey or thick on lips, it's really light and feels amazing on lips. It also has a sweet pleasant smell. Another advantage is this product isn't sticky, I have long straightened hair and I really hate it when my hair flies on a windy day and my hair gets stuck to it, I hate it, and I don't think anyone really likes it.

Not to forget, this gloss is perfect for dry or chapped lips because it makes lips well moisturised and nourished from the first use and after a few uses you can notice a difference, the gloss is also long wearing so you can keep your lips with a luscious colour, and kissable soft. Plus if deep red really isn't your colour there's so many more colours to choose from like:
Mango Mischief
Candy Burst
Seductive Strawberry
Crystal Clear
Juicy Coral
Nearly Naked
Plum Berry
Peach Parfait
Precious Pink
Sugar Coat

I would recommend you try this product, because who wouldn't love a good lip gloss with an extra benifit? Nobody says no to extra kissable lips.
#1 Reviewer
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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Czarina Davids

    I need to find out where to buy the YARDLEY BEYOND JUICY LIP RANGE, PLEASE

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