Beauty Bulletin

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4.5 21 0.5
Scrubs, Exfoliators, Peels November 21, 2018 954
For a clean, soft nose try Biore' Deep cleansing pore strips
(Updated: December 04, 2018)
Overall rating
This product comes in a very smart packaging as each strip has their own individual sachet which is amazing as the other strips won't become damaged once the box is opened. The product is beautifully packaged and is appealing to the eye. This product has got to be my favorite out of all from the range as my nose is easily prone to blackheads and dirt which eventually clog up my pores and begin to form tiny pimples on my nasal area. After using this product once every 3 days, I have noticed that the pores on my nose have become smaller and less noticeable. The strip sticks onto the nose firmly and does not break apart while in use which is absolutely perfect. When pulling the strip out it does pain a bit but the pain is manageable and like the old saying "beauty is pain" goes I believe that in order to become more beautiful you will have to experience some sort of pain and I think most girls can relate to this quote. The strip removed so much of dirt from my nose, I was so shocked and disgusted when I saw what resided on my nose ??. I was so happy to know that my nose was now clean and free from all the dirt. My nose felt so smooth and soft after I used the strip it was as if I had a brand new nose! To end I would rate this product a full 5 stars as it has really helped me and is my go to product for any outing. I would just wish that each box contained more than 6 strips as I really enjoy using the product.

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