
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 13 0.5
Scrubs, Exfoliators, Peels November 21, 2018 745
Try this product for a cleaner, smoother nose!
(Updated: December 04, 2018)
Overall rating
This product comes in a beautiful packaged box, each containing 6 sachets of strips ensuring that no strip becomes damaged once the box is opened. The instructions are clearly illustrated on the box and is so simple to use. My favorite part about this product is that it delivers exactly what it promises on the box! I have used about 4 of the strips so far and each time I become more impressed with the results as it uncloged my pores on the nose area, the dirt is left behind on the strip and is very noticeable once pulled out. It's shocking that there's so much of dirt on your nose but with these strips you can ensure that your skin is clean and healthy all day long! The strip itself has a soft smell of tea tree oil as the product cotains traces of it. Tea tree oil is perfect for fighting infections from acne therefore eliminating pimples from the nose area. Before using this product my skin contained fine pimples on my nose which looked terrible but after a few uses of the strip I have noticed that most pimples have vanished. I absolutely love this range and it has become my new favorite skin care range! I highly recommend this product to all who have fine pimples on your nose and clogged pores.

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