The ultra cleansing pore strip is slightly bigger and grips the skin better compared to the black strip. It also contains witch hazel and tree tree oil which soothes skin and doesn’t leaving it feeling irritated afterwards. The instructions are easy to follow and the strip is easy to use as you only leave it on for 10-15 minutes and it literally does the work for you. It’s so lightweight as well so you can continue to be busy and get stuff done while waiting for it to dry. It does not leave a residue behind after you take it off. It is not painful to take off either especially if you peel it off slowly - it may be a little sore at first if you are sensitive but after that you’ll get used to it. Be careful not to touch skin after use because the unclogged pores are open and sensitive which can lead to breakouts. This was my favourite product of the bunch and I would definitely repurchase it once I’ve used all the strips!