Beauty Bulletin

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4.7 2 0.5
Blush, Bronzers, Highlighters September 16, 2010 230
Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips & Cheeks
Overall rating
I LOVE Pot Rouge. Pale Pink (a bit more subdued and less blue-toned than the powder blush of the same name) and Powder Pink (warmish with a touch of beige) are staples for me. Applied over moisturizer, with an index finger, I find them easier to control than powder. Color payoff is rich but surprisingly sheer and natural-looking. No greasy after feel and staying power is impressive. So why isn't this a 5-star review? The new packaging reduces the amount of product you get by almost two-thirds so I'm lamenting the switch. On principal, I should have resisted buying more colors, but I wanted to try the new Fresh Melon, so I gave in. The peachy shade will be nice and -- well, fresh -- for spring. But a lot less blush in exchange for a mirror and a hinged lid doesn't equal progress, in my opinion. Even those of us who reapply makeup in public (I'm not one of them), can you really see what your whole face looks like with a mirror this small? The old packaging, while giving a lot for the money, also allowed a peek of the color inside.

So a fab product and definitely worth a try, with caveats. If you've never used these before you won't know what you missed with the previous, more generous size/packaging, so dive right in!
Top 10 Reviewer
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2 results - showing 1 - 2
February 27, 2014
Great in depth review! What are the price range on the Bobbi Brown pots, are they more pricier than the Mac creme blush?
Bianca Welgemoed
February 27, 2014
Ok cool! So this is both for lips and cheek. Interesting... How does the melon look on the cheeks?
2 results - showing 1 - 2

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