I bought this lippie from take a lot about 2 weeks ago because I needed some lip therapy and was a bit short on cash so, u can imagine that 20 bucks was a good deal for me. I was actually very excited to try the lip-version of this as I had always loved to drink the vitamin water version.
When I received the lippie I could hardly wait o try it out so I immediately went and applied some to my dry lips and instantly felt soothing relief. Not to mention that I bought mine in the berry flavor, juicy just like the actual vitamin water. Yummy
It also has an SPF of 15 which protects my lips from sun damage.
Its been two weeks now and I am loving my lippie. Just need to re-apply every so often after eating a drinking. I must admit, I never knew about this product until now and I am so glad I finally did.