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4.5 22 0.5
Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Lotion
Cleansers,Toners,Washes July 21, 2014 700
Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Lotion
(Updated: July 09, 2015)
Overall rating
I have never tried any Cetaphil products as I always thought that they were for acne sufferers only (granted, during high school I had shocking acne but the pill has managed to sort that out and my skin is great now!). I actually wasn't aware that Cetaphil came in a range of products for different skin concerns.

I have crazy sensitive skin - I've once had to be taken to the doctor after using a new product once and coming out not only in a terrible rash that was sore and dry and itchy, but my face swelling so badly that my eyes were mere slits. I cannot ever try just any old product and I try my best to stick with all natural cleansers/toners/moisturisers. I have been using Lush for a while now and am so so happy with all of their products.

My usual skincare routine involves a makeup remover - I use TBS Silky Camomile Cleansing Oil, and then my Lush cleanser, toner and moisturiser.

After a week of using the Cetaphil in place of both the cleansing oil and my regular cleanser I am quite happy. I do have to do two washes with it - 1 pump each time - as once doesn't quite remove all of my makeup (unless I use my Cleansing Oil first and then the Cetaphil). My skin is lovely and calm and I don't seem to have as many dry patches. I can't just wipe if off with cotton pads (which would probably be better) as when I have that layer of film left on my skin I do tend to have a breakout of spots.

I would perhaps keep this cleanser for use when my skin is very irritated or dehydrated, as I think it could be a little too oily for my to use in summer. It might be really good just for winter, and for when I've spent a lot of time in the sun to replenish some of the moisture my skin has lost.

It's possible that I would have been much more inclined to make this part of my regular routine if I hadn't fallen so deeply in love with TBS Cleansing Oil and my Lush products. I'm just so happy with how flawless and calm and soft my skin is using the routine I've been sticking with for the last 3 months, and while the Cetaphil is indeed a very good product, I find that perhaps the other products just give it a little something more. I will most definitely continue using the Cetaphil though, and have recommended it to my sister who battles with very dry and sensitive skin.
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