
Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 1 0.5
Body oils May 12, 2015 177
The Elixirs of all Elixirs
Overall rating
To call this a mere oil is doing an injustice to this elixir of all elixirs..I would say a gift from heaven ,something I can easily imagine the Greek gods taking pleasure in..

When I opened this I was not prepared for that wonderful aroma that engulfed my senses ,I closed my eyes and breathed it in and almost immediately I felt a sense of calm.. I took a hot shower and rubbed some on my damp shoulder area and at the nape of my neck which for me are my tension points.. After seconds I felt that area pleasantly warm up and the fatigue and tension just being drawn out almost as if into thin air..

Enriched with beautiful oils of basil ,camomile and bitter orange as well as Hazel oil ,which all together soothe ,comfort, enhance the suppleness of skin and helps me feel like I'm floating on cloud 9, this God send helps me unwind at the end of a long day.. I'm so inlove with the smell of it .. You will have to smell it for yourself because I will do injustice in trying too describe it.. What I can say is that after I rub it in ,within seconds It feels as if I've taken a bath in rose petals.. Its not the initial smell I get because initially you smell all the other ingredients collectively..

I love the bottle it comes in but being glass I'm always afraid I'm going to drop it so I'm super careful with this!

If there's one product that has blown me away recently,, this is it!!
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