Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 38 0.5
Shampoo August 13, 2018 3012
Clicks Afri True Naturals range
Overall rating
I’ve been using the Clicks Afri True Naturals range for a week now and this is my experience with the products:

1. The hydrating & softening Shampoo was easy to use & lather. It smells good & it’s also easy to wash off. So it doesn’t waste time.

2. The hydrating & softening conditioner was also a bliss to use. Wow. It’s not sticky, it strengthens hair, reduces breakage & keeps hair nourished.

3. The curl créme also works wonders because it keeps hair moisturized. If you have natural hair, you know how terribly dry it can get. The créme also made my hair feel soft, meaning easier to comb. No tangles. No breakage.

4. The hydrating gel made it super effortless to tame and style my kinky hair. Also keeps hair hydrated so that it doesn’t dry up, break or itch.

I had so much fun with the products & I’m still enjoying the benefits. To be honest, the last thing I need is hair that is too high maintenance & Clicks Afri True Naturals products just makes it a bliss to treat my natural hair.

I give it a thumbs up :)

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Hydrating & Softening Shampoo
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