Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 38 0.5
Shampoo August 13, 2018 3014
Clicks AfriTrue Range
(Updated: September 27, 2018)
Overall rating
Hey Ladies,

So a few weeks ago Beauty Bulletin selected me to try out the Clicks AfriTrue Naturals range, so here's my review of the products.

The shampoo was good and cleansing, it was also quite foamy and it got the job done.
The conditioner also worked well on my hair especially for my detangling process, it also left my hair feeling soft.
With the curling creme a little goes a long way, I used it when doing a twist out and the results were good, I made the mistake of unraveling the twists whilst my hair was semi-wet so my hair was a bit frizzy and not as defined as I would've liked but nonetheless I enjoyed using this product.
When it comes to the hydrating gel, now let me tell you this, DO NOT use this on your hair if your have product build up and your hair is not freshly washed and clean because it will flake and leave a white residue on your hair, that's the mistake I made when I was using the gel to style my hair. However the gel luckily dried clear and the white residue disappeared but I definitely learnt my lesson.

Overall thoughts on this range,it's really good and affordable. I recommend you try it!

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Clicks AfriTrue Range
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