Clinique Sonic System Brush - deep cleanses whilst feeling great
Overall rating
I had glanced at some of the other reviews of the Sonic System Brush so was pretty much expecting something akin to having an electronic toothbrush used on the back of my hand. I was thus pleasantly surprised when the Clinique consultant asked whether she could show me how the brush worked on one half of my face so that I could compare. It is nothing like a rotating electric toothbrush, as the head does not turn but the bristles oscillate. It deep cleanses and yet it is so gentle it did not rip a moistened tissue all thanks to sonic technology. Two types of bristles on the brush help to get to all the nooks and crannies. The green bristles are especially effective on the more breakout prone T-zone.
Apart from worrying about it being too harsh I also thought it might tickle but my fears were unfounded. It was very relaxing and probably a good thing that it has a 30 second timer otherwise I may just stand there forever. My skin looked more refined and felt a lot softer afterward. Once at home I even cleaned and moisturised the other side of my face as per normal and the half that was cleansed with the Clinque Sonic System Brush still felt smoother and my pores looked smaller and refined.
Price wise it may seem a little steep for some at R 1 600 but that’s no more expensive than a decent hair straightener. The Clinique Sonic System Face Brush is completely waterproof and when on the charging unit the LED light indicates when it is fully charged. The head with bristles is replaceable and for hygiene reasons should be replaced every 3 months, the only way that the sonic brush reminds me of a toothbrush. The consultant informed that this is only the beginning if the campaign and in the future various other interchangeable heads such as those to exfoliate or massage will be available. So by using just a little common sense the brush should last you much longer than the 2 year guarantee it comes with and may soon be multi-functional just by changing the head. So taking all that into account the price does not seem unreasonable and I think this will be a hit for Clinique.