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4.6 10 0.5
Nail Polishes March 16, 2014 993
Essence For The Win
Being a confessed nail polish addict, I find a thrill when it comes to a good deal. I have been building a colour collection of different colour shades in my nail polish collection which can be quite taxing on the wallet. However when I stumbled onto the beauty that is the Essence range at Clicks, I was in nail polish heaven!!!!

They have beautiful colours for every season. From bright yellows, greens, oranges and blues to dark blues, purples and greens. I have tried them all and with each one get complimented on how beautiful they are on my nails. This product is around R20 and they even have perfect nail care products that go with it. I use their base coat and top coat which adds to the finishing touches.

I definitely recommend this product to my friends and we often swap colours and then end up buying our own bottles. A big thumbs up!
Top 1000 Reviewer
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