Beauty Bulletin

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4.2 3 0.5
Mouthwash, Breath Fresheners October 25, 2010 506
Dentyl pH Ultra Cleanse Mouthwash
Overall rating
I was stopped by a lady promoting this product at a Clicks store. She gave me a brief run through about the product and gave me a generous 100ml sample bottle and a R10 off coupon on a full sized bottle with retails for R62.00. I have been using this product for just over a week and I must say I am very impressed. I have sensitive gums and alcohol based mouthwashes like Listerine make them burn and leaves my mouth feeling dry. This mouthwash consists of two phases which you mix by shaking the bottle vigorously. This activates the formula. It feels smooth and minty in your mouth and has no burning sensation. When you spit it out in the basin you can see the plaque that has been removed from your mouth as its tinted blue. This was a little surprising and makes you realise that just brushing your teeth is not effective enough on its own. My mouth feels clean and the minty taste lasts for quite a while. I recommend trying this product if you find regular mouthwashes too strong. I will definitely be using that coupon on a full sized bottle.
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October 29, 2010
I got this mouthwash in my welcome gift at Boot Camp. I didn't really like it hey. For me, it didn't feel strong enough. I felt like a just had water swirling aorund in my mouth.
October 29, 2010
Hi Jolene, did you know that the alcohol concentration in Listerine and other mouthwashes is not strong enough to kill the bacteria in your mouth. Its just used as a carrier in which the anti-bacterial agents are dissolved in. But I know lots of people really like the "kick" they get. Mouthwash like toothpaste is a very personal thing :)
Shaheeda Petersen
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