As amazing as this product is, at removing makeup and preparing your skin for the cleansing procedure, I would not repurchase this product as I find that I got the same result as just using the cleanser. Yes if you have the time and the money, go for it, it really is a great product and probably you will get the best overall results. But for me though, I am the type of person that wants to quickly get things done properly, so a lot of the times in the evening I am tired, I want to remove my makeup (only because I have to, otherwise I would sleep with it! Shh it's our secret) as quickly as possible and get into bed and go through to Dream Land. So that is the only reason why I wouldn't repurchase the product. Other than that, it's an amazing product! A bit too strong for the eyes, but if you don't go to close to the eye area, you should be fine!