Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.7 1 0.5
Shimmers, Bronzers, Self Tans February 26, 2013 156
Overall rating
I received this product as a gift from one of my very close friends. It's a shimmer powder with a puff in a super cute black box. When I received this product I really didn't want to try it (not because it didn't look like an awesome product) but because it looked so neat and expensive, I really wanted to preserve it.

Once I opened the box and tried the product, I'm sorry to say this, I instantly fell in love with this product, instead of just using it for a beautiful glow and sparkle (by now it's 100% given that everyone knows I like to sparkle a lot) I used this product for a beautiful scent. It made me feel so feminine and girly, I really couldn't get enough of the product.

I recommend this product to anyone who wants to shimmer and sparkle and smell amazing all day long. This product also has a luxurious feel against skin, it feels like satin against skin. Simply amazing.
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