
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 21 0.5
Shampoo October 08, 2015 880
Clean and Bright, bouncy and light!
Overall rating
First of all, I adore this packaging. It is very sleek and luxury looking. This squeeze tube is super easy to use with wet hands. I love the white and blue together.

I have very flat and fine hair with none to NO volume. It falls flat almost immediately after a wash and as a bonus, I have these weird crowns in the strangest places. So when I got the opportunity to try a range catered specifically for my hair type, I had to give it a go. The shampoo has a delicate scent almost like Salon shampoo. Very nice. It foams up nicely and got my hair squeakie clean...literally.

One thing I must admit as I am an honest reviewer. After a few washes, it did wash out a lot of my hair colour. My hair was stripped to bleach blonde up until a few months ago before I dyed it back to brunette. This was in May. I didn't see any of my colour in the tub but noticed after I blow dried it. However, this was my 1st attempt going darker again after 2 years of bleaching so it will take some time for my hair to hold on to dye again after stripping it so much.

Look, it was so much more shiny, had more volume and life to it, and it was vibrant, something it hasn't been in too long. But I definitely went down a few shades as this is not a sulphate free shampoo. For whoever is wondering, the sulphate in hair products is actually salt which cleanses hair nicely and gives you that ahhhh feeling but washes out hair dye.

In this before and after you will see how much brighter and more alive my hair looked after just one use. I understand why it was formulated for fine and flat hair.

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