
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 27 0.5
Shampoo October 08, 2015 629
Dove Pure Care Dry Oil Shampoo Trial
Overall rating

Thank you Beauty Bulletin & Dove for blessing me with this heavenly elixir, this shampoo is like liquid gold and I am beyond pleased with my results. This shampoo is infused with macadamia oil, it delivers a rich, luxurious lather and it smells absolutely amazing!

My hair has been through the most, and now that we are in the dry season of winter, my hair was brittle, limp, dry, super thin and a little coarse from all the peroxide & toning, it doesn't even curl anymore. At first, I assumed that this shampoo would leave my hair looking limp and oily due to all the special oils its infused with, I WAS PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.

After the very first wash, my hair looked so much healthier, it felt super nourished, soft and silky from root to tip, without leaving my hair feeling greasy or weighed down. Unfortunately, I don't have a before photo, but I teamed up with @Just_Gill & @Joburg Vogue in a hilarious, epic fail attempt to do a video review, so I do have a bloopers video on my Instagram and Facebook Page where you can see the overall state of my hair before my Dove trail. @Neesi's World , @Neesaqi.

I tested this shampoo along with the Pure Care Dry Oil Treatment on my mom's hair as well, to see if it works just as well on a much thicker & frizzier strand of hair, and it looks like both of us will be using the Pure Care Dry Oil range for a while.

Read my Full Review on my Blog: https://neesisworld.wixsite.com/neesisworld/blog/dove-review

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