Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 42 0.5
Shampoo February 07, 2017 941
Can Hair feel this great?
Overall rating
Dove Advanced Hair Series Oxygen Moisture is the most amazing hair product I have tried.

I have very brittle hair and often tend to use shampoo's, conditioners and treatments to strengthen my hair. Until now that is. Dove Advanced Hair series showed me that I don't need all this products to make my hair feel this amazing! All I need is Dove Oxygen Moisture.

I shared this experience with my sister Cirsty and it was amazing.

Angelique Collopen ( Oxygen Moisture for fine and flat hair)
"Who says you can't have moisture and volume?" Dove is so correct. Lets start right at the beginning.
Love at first sight. The packaging look amazing and the tubes are so easy and convenient to use. No more struggling with wet soapy hands, jumping up and down to get some shampoo or conditioner out. The easy to use packaging makes it just a flip and squeeze away.
The second thing I love about this range is the smell! Wow... Nothing is better than washing your hair and it not feeling fresh and clean but also smells irresistible! I couldn't stop smelling my hair for days.
The texture of the shampoo and conditioner is so silky and smooth making it easy to apply and easy to rinse off. You don't need to use an excessive amount to make your hair soapy or feel soft. Dove allows you to use a normal amount but still leaves your hair feeling clean and soft. The product was very easy to rinse off and there was no hassles when washing my hair. My hair came out less tangled and feeling light.
After I completed washing my hair I had to put the product to the real test. Lets do my hair....
Wow I was amazed at the results!! I had less breakage and my hair was so light and soft I didn't need a serum.

Thank you Dove!

Cirsty Page (Pure Care Dry Oil)
You don't need oils to make your hair look healthy! Dove made me realize this. I suffer from very dry and brittle hair and often use a lot of oils on my hair to make it look healthy but it also makes my hair look stiff and dull and I have to redo my hair after 2 days again because it looks dirty. When I used Dove Pure Care Dry Oil all of this changed. I shampoo'd and conditioned my hair and was able to run my fingers through my curls with no hiccups. My hair was smooth and soft and nourished and felt like its never felt before. The smell of my hair knocked me off my feet and gave me a boost of confidence I've never felt before. This was like no other. I couldn't believe my hair felt this great! When I blew my hair out I was so amazed at how it looked. It was so soft and full of body and looked healthy and strong. Oily brittle hair is now a thing of the past!! Thank you Dove for an amazing product that not only looks good, makes you feel good, but also affordable and so efficient!

Once you try Dove you'll never go back.

Our final rating out of 10 is
Price : 9/10
Quality: 9/10
Efficiency: 9/10.

We will most definitely repurchase this product again!

Thank you Dove and Beauty Bulletin for the experience!!

Stay tuned for our video review.

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