Thank you so much for choosing me on this Dove Journey with you . Its been a real honor. Ok no mushness from me .
So i had to review the dry oil goodness you gave me with the 3 other products. I must admit i never imagined dove and I together .
I know we only suppose to give the good stuff and how fab the brand is , i will do that, so let me get into it .
I washed my hair with the oxygen you and i must say the first wash my hair felts luxurious almost as though i have applied conditioner.
I then used the Nutritive Solutions DRY OIL MASK .The reason for this is my hair has the Split end issue and just needs nourishment. At R80 for a mask i think this would be worth the buy .
My feels on the product is that my hair felt stronger after rinsing and brushing . The snapping was less that before and this was only after one wash . I hope that by the end of this project my hair will be atleast 5times stronger .
Ok this is a must share too. As much as the products made me smile but being a natural i wasnt really happy with all the monsters in the brand . Eg the silica, chloride, sulphates and alcohol . But i am will to compromise since the promised benefits is what i need at this moment in time.