Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

5.0 5 0.5
Dove Colour Radiance Range
Shampoo November 28, 2013 217
Dove Colour Hair Range
Overall rating
I received my Dove products yesterday to review.

The products themselves are lovely and look so professional!
I decided to try out the shampoo and the conditioner tonight. Now, I usually use another hair product and since using it, my scalp has become rather flakey.

So you can imagine how I was so excited to be chosen to review this product, and since I highlight my hair, the colour treatments were a bonus!

Trying the shampoo tonight, I could straight away feel the difference. After the conditioner, my hair felt so much more softer and smoother.
I go to bed with wet hair, so tomorrow morning I'll be able to tell how it looks and feels. The Dove products come with instructions on the back, and have advised me to use the treatment mask daily, which also came with the other products. I will be trying that and then posting pictures of the changes!

For now this is just the start of a healthier, looking hair!

Thanks Beauty Bulletin!
Dove Colour Radiance Range
Top 500 Reviewer
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