Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

5.0 5 0.5
Dove Colour Radiance Range
Shampoo November 28, 2013 219
Dove Colour Radiance Day 7-9
Overall rating
Hi everyone,

Aaaaand I'm back!
Today has been a very sad day for South Africans, losing a great hero, Nelson Mandela. May he rest in peace. xx

On another note, the real reason I'm writing this - the Dove Radiance Colour review!

I washed my hair with the Dove Radiance Treatment Mask after using the shampoo, and left it in my hair for 3-5 minutes as instructed. The next day I woke up with a very full head of hair!

My hair seemed very thick... I think that's a good thing? Even now, sitting at work, my hair still feels thick. Only downside is that some of the ends feel brittle and dry. Maybe I didn't wash my hair right, or maybe it's the mask alone?

Will let you all know what happens. In the mean time my colour is looking gorgeously blonde!!! xx
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