I just realised I haven't reviewed this yet. :) This is my absolute favourite gradual tanner. I always have a bottle of this in my bathroom cabinet. I love using this on my legs as I have ridiculously pale skin. My fave thing is that it doesn't give off too much colour on the first application. It's very gradual and if I need some colour I will start applying it 3 or 4 days before I know I will be showing my legs. Legs usually need more applications.
I also feel the scent isn't as gross as some tanners. It doesn't have that strong biscuit smell. Bu more of a fruity sweet smell. The lotion is very lightweight and doesn't take very long to dry. It doesn't transfer onto clothes or bed sheets. It lasts for about 2-3 days before it starts fading. Hot baths and showers obviously accelerate the fading process. But overall it has a natural colour and doesn't give off too much colour, which makes it easier to apply as you won't have noticeable streaking.