My mother is addicted to these products and she recommended I try them out. So I did, and I'm amazed at the results! These products are really really expensive, but completely worth it once I've actually tried them out.
This is a wash which is a pearly white colour and contains light exfoliation beads which you can actually feel only once you've started rubbing your face in circular motions. This amazing wash makes skin feel absolutely light and fresh. And without the use of any moisturiser your skin feels smooth and silky and actually feels nourished. Normally facial exfoliators make skin alittle dry but this one really doesn't do any of that!
Plus instantly after using the product, skin is brighter and more radiant than before. Plus it's really okay on sensitive skin and doesn't irritate or damage skin. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants a brighter and more radiant face and is willing to spend a good amount for this product.