Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.2 19 0.5
elizabeth arden capsules.jpg
Eye Creams,Serums September 16, 2013 1212
EA Brightening Night Capsules
Overall rating
A moderately high end product that delivers luxury,radiance and quality
Owner's reply September 17, 2013

Today is day two of usage! One thing i have noticed is my skin seems cleaner and for some reason my make up lasted all day! I did not look as fatigued when i got home!i did consider because my usually sensitive skin is calm n seems to respond well to these capsules investigating and investing in the full range! One full week of usage of this product and i'll know!

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2 results - showing 1 - 2
September 22, 2013
Ok so one week on and i have this to say: it works! I'm gonna invest in this one! My area of pigmentation is not gone! But its invisible under my BB cream WITHOUT concealer! And i would have needed concealer ordinarily to hide it! My skins behaving beautifully, my makeup seems to last all day and i appear fresh and rested mostly! I've not had a facial as some friends think! Having had to review this product has forced me to really care for my skin and examine the efficiency of this product! I'll post a follow up pic next week!
September 26, 2013
Its now two weeks on and the difference to me seems obvious! The product delivers on what it is supposed to do! It brightens and creates a luminescent glow to the skin! Its not an anti marks fix as i had hoped but my bare skin before and after clearly show the difference! I have brighter fresher skin now: almost lit from within! In my pix i focused on the worst part of my skin and to me its clear this product works! However this site posts the second pic ahead of the first which can make it confusing! My lighter rosy skin is pic 2!
2 results - showing 1 - 2

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